Publication Policy


All articles in Visayan Journal of Science, Technology, and Innovation can be downloaded, saved, reproduced, and transmitted for non-commercial, scholarly, and educational purposes only. All work may be copied and distributed by authors for the aforementioned uses as long as the original authors are properly acknowledged. The Visayan Journal of Science, Technology, and Innovation must give its permission before being used, reproduced, or distributed for profit.


Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s thoughts, words, or works without their proper credit, acknowledgment, or consent. The submitted manuscript is checked for originality using a plagiarism software by the Visayan Journal of Science, Technology, and Innovation. All submissions to the VJSTI are subject to a plagiarism checker; if plagiarism is found, writers are notified and asked to rework or reword the offending passage before the publication process can continue. Authors must completely avoid plagiarism and adhere to the research community’s ethical standards.

Data fabrication and falsification

Falsification is the alteration of reporting of scientific research findings or data with the goal of providing incorrect information regarding the status of published journals, as opposed to fabrication, which focuses on creating invented research results. Authors identified committing any scientific research dishonesty will no longer be permitted to submit their manuscript. The Editorial Board Committee Members may propose that published works that were later found to have such concerns will be withdrawn from the journal.


The Visayan Journal of Science, Technology, and Innovation bears no guarantees about the content’s accuracy or truthfulness and with exclusion for all the legal obligations and accountability for errors and plagiarism. Furthermore, the thoughts and views expressed in this journal publication are those of the authors, not generally those of the publisher.


The Visayan Journal of Science, Technology, and Innovation published articles may be revoked and retracted in certain instances owing to repetitive submissions, scientific forgery, such as morally reprehensible authorship, false claims of writings, plagiarism, and unethical data use.


Errors in publications that affect the validity of published data must be reported by all authors involved, and if it turns out that there is reason for concern, then VJSTI will look into the matter, and the authors will be informed by email and granted the chance to respond on the subject case. The “Errata” section of the journal’s subsequent issue will contain corrections and addenda.